Endo Premium Pet Nano CBD Tincture


Have a picky pet with gut issues?  Endo has created a nano CBD tincture in either Peanut Butter, or Chicken flavor.   It tastes like real PB or chicken! The nano formula absorbs well for pets with gut issues.  As a result, it is more bioavailable, which means it is stronger than normal tinctures.  We suggest a starting daily amount of:  1 dropper full for an 80 pound pet, 1/2 dropper for 40 pound pet, 1/4 dropper for 20 pound pet, etc.  Divide this amount in 1/2 and add to your pets food morning and night for optimal results.  Every 2 days add a couple more drops to find the perfect amount for your pets needs.



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Endo Premium Pet Nano CBD Tincture

Endo has created a  premium pet nano CBD tincture in either Peanut Butter, or Chicken flavor.   It tastes like real PB or chicken for the pickiest of pets! The nano formula absorbs well for pets with gut issues.  As a result, it is more bioavailable than most formulas on the market, which means it is stronger than normal tinctures.  We suggest a starting daily amount of:  1 dropper full for an 80 pound pet, 1/2 dropper for 40 pound pet, 1/4 dropper for 20 pound pet, etc.  Divide this amount in 1/2 and add to your pets food morning and night for optimal results.  Every 2 days add a couple more drops to find the perfect amount for your pets needs.

Pro Tip:

If your pet gets resty in about an hour, you’ve given too much and lower the amount with the next dose.

  • Contains 500 mg of Nano CBD.
  • Made in the USA
  • Ingredients: Full Spectrum Hemp Extract, Organic Glycerine, Natural Flavoring
  • As with all products taken internally, research suggests to start with the lowest dosage possible and slowly titrate up. Dosage suggestions for both dogs and cats vary and a chart will come with the bottle. Please see our FAQ for more pet info)
  • Store in a cool dark place; shake well before each use

Go to YouTube for “Artistic Organics – CBD Wellness” to see more about our products.